
Bioyona碧優娜自創立以來就便專注於探索海洋中的無盡藏應用於美麗與健康。 經過長期的努力與研究,終於捎來取得發明專利一大喜訊,專利名稱為「魚類受精卵萃取物用於製備促毛髮生長組合物之用途」(METHOD OF USING FISH FERTILIZED ROE EXTRACT TO MANUFACTURE HAIR GROWTH COMPOSITION)


Bioyona碧優娜研發團隊在進行詳盡的實驗與測試而推出的「TPF-88胚髮因子™」,是全球唯一提取深海魚胚胎幹細胞所含的天然複合性胜肽成份(growth factors、cytokines)應用於頭皮保養及健髮功能的機能性原料。多年研究的實驗數據也成為申請專利的有力支持,同時證實了此研究成果在毛髮生長領域的重要性和潛力。




A New Era in Scalp Care! TPF-88™ Obtains Taiwan Invention Patent

Revolutionary Hair Growth Solution! Since its establishment, Bioyona has been devoted to exploring the endless treasures of the ocean for applications in beauty and health. After years of dedicated effort and research, we are thrilled to announce a major accomplishment – obtaining an invention patent titled "Method of Using Fish Fertilized Roe Extract to Manufacture Hair Growth Composition."

This patent covers a significant technological innovation that utilizes fish fertilized roe extract to enhance the expression rate of  VEGF-A (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) in hair follicles and hair shafts, thereby promoting hair growth and distribution while strengthening hair roots to prevent hair loss. 

This groundbreaking discovery can be applied in various hair care products such as hair tonics, shampoos, conditioners, scalp gels, or scalp serums, providing consumers with a more effective and reliable hair growth solution.The research team has developed "TPF-88™" the world's only natural complex peptide derived from deep-sea fish embryonic stem cells, which is applied in scalp care and hair health.

The extensive experimental data accumulated over the years has served as strong support for the patent application, confirming the significance and potential of this research in the field of hair growth.

The acquisition of this invention patent is a crucial and exhilarating milestone for Bioyona. Building on this achievement, we will continue to delve deeper into research and innovation, striving to provide customers with more high-quality, safe, and effective products.

We firmly believe that this patent will pave the way for broader opportunities in the future, promoting collaboration and cooperation within the team and the industry, collectively driving progress in the entire sector.
Bioyona will persist in innovation, ceaselessly exploring health and beauty. Let us eagerly anticipate how this patent will mark a new beginning and bring a brand new future to the scalp care product market. Finally, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the research scientists and partners involved in the development of this patent.

We also express our sincere appreciation to our valued consumers for their continuous support and trust. As always, we remain committed to providing you with better products and services, continuing to uphold innovation and exploration for health and beauty. Together, let us look forward to how this patent will open up new opportunities and shape the future of the scalp care product market.