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We are delighted to announce that Bioyona Skin Activating Treatment Serum Ampoule,
has been shortlisted for 𝘽𝙀𝙎𝙏 𝙉𝙀𝙒 𝙎𝙀𝙍𝙐𝙈 for the very first time.
Leading Taiwan's skin care products and innovative strength to the world.
With the highest concentration of powerful exclusive ingredient Totipotent Prostembryona Factor®(INCI NAME:Fertilized Roe Extract),Extracted from embryonic stem cells of fertilized roe contains rich and complete sources of peptides nutrients to make skin stronger and protect against signs of aging.Especially after beauty surgery, medical clinic or beauty salon,Customers love using Bioyona Skin Activating Treatment Pure Serum to repair their skin damage.
According to the invention patent of United States, Japan and Taiwan:Medical composition for promoting skin wound healing and its use. Deeply care to quickly restore you healthy and youthful skin.Let's power skin together inside out!
素有「全球美容奧斯卡」之稱的Pure Beauty Global Awards,公布了2023年入選名單,台灣之光Bioyona碧優娜今年首度參賽便在數百名競爭者中脫穎而出,入選全球美妝大獎「最佳精華新品」殊榮,讓全世界見證台灣保養品的研發實力與創新。入選網址:https://reurl.cc/4QnzqL
Bioyona碧優娜【海洋胚顏修護精華安瓶】,是一款以TPF胚顏因子®為核心成分的高效臉部抗老保養品,能夠深入肌膚底層,撫平細紋,提升彈力,重現年輕透亮光澤,TPF胚顏因子®(Totipotent Prostembryona Factor)是Bioyona碧優娜的獨家核心專利成分,從珍稀的激活深海魚子,在最關鍵的黃金8小時中萃取出的豐富且多元的營養源,天然、環保、永續擁抱生生不息的海洋資源。
Bioyona碧優娜的品牌理念來自於生命之母海洋,將海洋賦予人類最珍貴的禮物打造於美的事物上。不僅受到消費者的喜愛與推薦,也獲得了國際美容專家的認可與讚賞。Pure Beauty Global Awards是由英國專業美妝雜誌Pure Beauty Magazine舉辦的全球性美妝大獎,每年吸引來自世界各地的數千種美妝產品參賽,由涵蓋360度美妝領域的專家評審會進行評選。從產品的有效性、包裝設計、功能和創新等方面進行評分,最終選出各個類別的最佳產品。Bioyona碧優娜在不同國家上百名競爭者中勝出而出入選決賽,展現了台灣保養品的國際水準。